Celebrate Women in Computing

The Computer Society is honored to recognize the following women for their contributions to the computing profession.
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Recipients Listed by Award


Women of ENIAC Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award

2024 – Fei-Fei Li
“For contributions to computer vision, especially the development of Imagenet.”

2022 – Daphne Koller
“For contributions to representation, inference, and learning in probabilistic models with applications to computational biology and human health.”

2019 –Laura Haas
“For pioneering innovations in the architecture of federated databases and in the integration of data from multiple, heterogeneous sources.”

2018 – Barbara Liskov
“For pioneering data abstraction, polymorphism, and support for fault tolerance and distributed computing in the programming languages CLU and Argus.”

2009 – Jean Sammet
“For pioneering work and lifetime achievement as one of the first developers and researchers in programming languages.

2009 – Lynn Conway
“For contributions to superscalar architecture, including multiple-issue dynamic instruction scheduling, and for the innovation and widespread teaching of simplified VLSI design methods.”

2008 – Betty Jean Jennings Bartik
“For pioneering work as one of the first programmers, including co-leading the first teams of ENIAC programmers, and pioneering work on BINAC and UNIVAC I.”

2004 – Frances (Fran) E. Allen
“For pioneering work establishing the theory and practice of compiler optimization.”

1997 – Francis Elizabeth (Betty) Snyder-Holberton
“For the development of the first sort-merge generator for the Univac which inspired the first ideas about compilation.”

1989 – Mina S. Rees
“For the ONR Computer R&D development beginning in 1946.”


Computer Entrepreneur Award

2011 – Diane B. Greene
“For creating a virtualization platform that profoundly revolutionized modern computing.”

2009 – Sandy Lerner
“For founding Cisco Systems and pioneering and advancing the commercialization of routing technology and the profound changes this technology enabled in the computer industry.”



Harry H. Goode Memorial Award

1970 – Grace Murray Hopper
“For her pioneering work and leadership in the development of computer software, and for her impact and influence on the computing profession and her fellow colleagues, and for her pioneering work and leadership in the development of important concepts for mathematical and business compilers, and for her contributions to the development and acceptance of English-language, problem-oriented programming, and for her outstanding work and continued efforts in the education and training of men and women for careers in computer science and data processing.”



Harlan D. Mills Award

2018 – Gail Murphy
“For outstanding research on understanding software-development practices and tools that improve the productivity of developers.”

2017 – Pamela  Zave
“For groundbreaking use of formal methods in the development of telecommunication software and for enduring contributions to software engineering theory.”

2004 – Elaine Weyuker
“For leading research on rigorous software testing including industrial evaluations of the comparative effectiveness and costs of such testing methods.”



Eckert-Mauchly Award

2021  –  Margaret Martonosi
For contributions to the design, modeling, and verification of power-efficient computer architecture.

2018  –  Susan Eggers
“For outstanding contributions to simultaneous multithreaded processor architectures and multiprocessor sharing and coherency.”



Ken Kennedy Award

2015 – Katherine Yelick
“For advancing the programmability of HPC systems, strategic national leadership, and mentorship in academia and government labs.”

2012 – Mary Lou Soffa
“For contributions to compiler technology and software engineering, exemplary service to the profession, and lifelong dedication to mentoring and improving diversity in computing.”

2011 – Susan L. Graham
“For foundational compilation algorithms and programming tools; research and discipline leadership; and exceptional mentoring.”

2009 – Francine Berman
“For her influential leadership in the design, development and deployment of national-scale cyber infrastructure, her-inspiring work as a teacher and mentor, and her exemplary service to the high performance community.”



Sidney Fernbach Award

2018 – Linda Petzold
“For pioneering contributions to numerical methods and software for differential-algebraic systems and for discrete stochastic simulation.”

2004 – Marsha Berger
“For her many contributions, and enormous, influence to computational fluid dynamics including adaptive mesh refinement methods, Cartesian grid methods, and practical mathematical algorithms for solving significantly heretofore intractable problems.”



Hans Karlsson Standards Award

2023Cheryl Jones
“For key standards development in measurement and systems engineering, broad outreach, and diplomatic leadership.”

2020 – Teresa Doran
For extended dedication to harmonization of systems and software engineering life cycle process standards.

2014 – Annette D. Reilly
“For harmonization and development of novel approaches to the system and software engineering standards for vocabulary, life-cycle information, and user documentation.”

2007Katherine L. Morse
“For leadership in development of modeling and simulation standards and exemplary collaboration in establishing the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) Standards Activity Committee (SAC) as an IEEE standards sponsor.”



Richard E. Merwin Award for Distinguished Service

2022 – Laurel V. Kaleda
For exemplary service, leadership, and dedication to the IEEE Computer Society and the Computing Profession at large.”

2017 – Susan K. “Kathy” Land
“For exemplifying true volunteer spirit and commitment to excellence, for significant and continuing contributions that support the vision and mission of the IEEE and the Computer Society.”

2003 – Doris. L. Carver
“For dedicated and sustained leadership to the computing profession and to the IEEE Computer Society.”

1994 – Helen M. Wood
“For outstanding and sustained contributions and leadership to the society and the institute, particularly in the area of standards, publications, and information services.”

1990 – Martha Sloan
“In recognition of outstanding contributions to the computer profession.”



Taylor L. Booth Education Award

2023 – Bhavani Thuraisingham
“For Outstanding Leadership in Cyber Security Education and Data Science Education as well as Mentorship of Members of Systemically Marginalized Groups.”

2019 – Susan H. Rodger 
“For leadership in undergraduate and K-12 computer-science education, and for broadening participation of women in computing.”

2015 –  Judith Gal-Ezer
“For outstanding research and its practical application in the field of computer science education”

2013 – Nell B. Dale
“For inspiring hundreds of people to careers in computer science through both her excellent teaching and her award-winning textbooks.”



Mary Kenneth Keller Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award 

2024 – Margaret Ellis
“For outstanding contributions to undergraduate education through teaching and service creating an inclusive community of experiential undergraduate mentorship.”

2023 – Carla B. Zoltowski
“For leadership in developing applied multi-disciplinary team-learning opportunities for engineering students and for promoting professional development education, engineering ethics education and inclusive teaching and mentoring.”

2022 – Nanette Veilleux
For supporting young women in the STEM fields by inspiring students in the classroom and creating innovative curriculum and research opportunities at a women-centered institution.”

2014 – Elizabeth Gerber
“For her paradigm shifting extracurricular design initiative that fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and learning.”

2009 – Judy Robertson
“For outstanding contributions to the undergraduate education through teaching and the innovative use of pioneering technologies in teaching.”

2008 – Elizabeth L. Burd
“For outstanding contributions to the undergraduate education through teaching and the organization of programs to promote excellence in undergraduate teaching.”

2003 – Sally A. Fincher
“For sustained contributions to undergraduate computer science through rigorous examination of teaching effectiveness and fostering and promoting research in computer science education.”



Technical Achievement Award

2023 – Kristen Grauman
“For contributions to object recognition, unsupervised domain adaptation and visual search.”

2018 – Margaret Martonosi
“For contributions to power-aware computing and energy-constrained mobile sensor networks.”

2017 – Ingrid Verbauwhede
“For pioneering contributions to design methodologies for tamper-resistant and secure electronic systems.”

2016 – Pierangela Samarati
“For pioneering and outstanding contributions to data security and privacy.”

2013 – Eva Tardos
“For contributions to algorithmic game theory, particularly her seminal work on selfish routing.

2012 – Ling Liu
“For pioneering contributions to novel internet data management and decentralized trust management.”

2012 – Klara Nahrstedt
“For pioneering contributions to end-to-end quality of service and resource management in wired and wireless networks.”

2012 – Mei-Ling Shyu
“For pioneering contributions to multimedia data mining, management and retrieval.”

2011 – Frederica Darema
“For pioneering contributions to novel techniques for complex systems modeling and simulation.”

2010 – Eunice Santos
“For pioneering contributions to Computational Social Network Systems.”

2009 – Elena Ferrari
“For pioneering contributions to Secure Data Management.”

2004 – Shashi Phoha
“For pioneering developments of distributed automation for hierarchical control of interacting machines into dynamic reasoning systems.”

2002 – Elisa Bertino
“For outstanding contributions to database systems and database security and advanced data management systems.”



Tsutomu Kanai Award (Discontinued Award)

2005 – Elisa Bertino
“For pioneering and innovative research contributions to secure distributed systems.”



Distinguished Service in a Pre-College Environment (Discontinued Award)

2006 –  Jennifer Fernquist     

2005 – Angelina Lim     

1999 – Martha Davies
“For her efforts in founding QuipuNet, a grassroots, ‘virtual’ organization for Peruvians around the world, to channel education, information and aid to Latin countries, with emphasis on Peru.”

1998 – Sally Goldberg



Wallace McDowell Award

1979 – Grace Murray Hopper
“For her combination of technical skill, leadership, teaching capability, and single-minded drive for the invention, adoption, and standardization of high-level programming languages.”


Recent Winners