In-depth analysis of the latest tech trends, with highlights of the top research from the world's standard-bearer for computing professionals.

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By Francis King
The environmental impact of your website might not be the first thing that springs to mind when considering ways to reduce your carbon footprint. But it's worth considering, as building low-carbon websites can effectively boost your company's environmental image and achieve your net-zero goals. Here, we'll explore the ins and outs of operating low...
By Arun Gupta
The success of a business goes beyond acquiring new customers. It's also about how well you retain them, keep them engaged, and reach them where they want you to be. Do you know that companies experiencing rapid growth drive around 40% of their revenue by personalizing customer experiences? And that 76% of customers say they get disappointed when c...
By Saigurudatta Pamulaparthyvenkata
The world of healthcare data management can be daunting, with its vast and diverse information. Tensor contraction, however, offers a practical solution akin to organizing a cluttered closet with compartments and shelves. This advanced mathematical technique not only simplifies the data structure but also enhances its accessibility, much like neatl...
By Anshul Mohan Gupta
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are critical in threat detection and cyber defense, in an ongoing mandate to enhance traditional security measures. They identify unusual usage to detect potential threats and analyze vast amounts of data in real time to recognize patterns and indicators of compromise (IOCs) associated with kno...
By Pohan Lin
With the rapid pace of technical advancements, we often see new developments hyped up - and then quickly fall by the wayside when they don't live up to expectations. Yet, over time, these advancements often continue to have a major impact. It's an odd little cycle - and one that Amara's law neatly encapsulates. But what exactly is this, and how ca...
By Ainsley Lawrence
Coding professionals have emerged as essential players in shaping the technological future. Web developers, software engineers, cybersecurity experts, and data analysts are among the many individuals who design, build, and secure the digital infrastructure that supports the modern world. However, this level of influence makes these positions popul...
By Vivek Singh
While artificial intelligence (AI) has long been considered the future of business, it is clear the future has arrived. AI tools are now vital to the scalability and growth potential of most organizations. This strong commitment to using AI has been demonstrated in several surveys. First, Accenture reported that 84 percent of business leaders belie...
By Kiran Chintagumpula
Edge computing represents a significant shift from traditional centralized data processing. It brings computation and data storage closer to where they're needed, enhancing response times and saving bandwidth. By embracing edge computing, Cleveland Clinic and IBM have created an on-site Discovery Accelerator to "improve the quality, cost, and equi...
By Priyanka Damwani
Climate change is a hot button issue in every industry these days, and software development is no exception. As the pressures we place on the environment continue to grow, organizations of all sizes are facing increasing pressure to limit their environmental impacts. Thankfully, positive changes can be made. Green coding is emerging as a popular...
By Priyanka Neelakrishnan
In the vast digital world we live in today, the explosion of data and the swift progress of artificial intelligence (AI) present not only incredible opportunities but also notable hurdles for safeguarding data. While AI offers powerful tools for data analysis, automation, and decision-making, it also brings about fresh vulnerabilities, especially r...
By Mariusz Michalowski
Terraform is one of the most popular infrastructure-as-code tools. This guide aims to clarify best practices that significantly improve Terraform-managed infrastructures' scalability, security, and manageability. Code Organization and Structure Terraform modules are similar to functions in programming languages. They encapsulate a group of re...
By Vasudeva Devapura Venkatachala Rao
Introduction The cloud-based data warehousing service Amazon Redshift is offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It has been designed to handle large volumes of data and carry out fast analytics on that data. Redshift is built on a columnar storage architecture, which offers numerous advantages for data warehousing and analytics workloads. It allow...
By Isla Sibanda
In recent years, combining traditional indigenous knowledge with modern technology has shown great promise in tackling the various environmental challenges that face us today. From efforts to combine traditional irrigation techniques with modern technology to indigenous-led conservation efforts leveraging the latest tools, these unlikely cultur...
By Stevie Carpenter
With issues like climate change dominating the headlines, sustainability has become a top priority for consumers. This has prompted businesses the world over to reevaluate their environmental impacts. Whether it's more sustainable software engineering or building greener office spaces, organizations are taking big steps to boost their eco credentia...
By Lucy Manole
It's unfortunate, but nowadays, database breaches have become commonplace. Even IT firms and governments – organizations that, one might think, are impregnable – have sustained breaches in recent months. For instance, last June, JumpCloud, an IT firm with over 5000 customers that include big names like, GoFundMe, and TapInfluence, ex...
By Ranadeep Reddy Palle
In the dynamic field of software development, efficiency, scalability, and flexibility must be prioritised. Because of its high-performance capabilities, language-neutral design, and lightweight nature, gRPC is swiftly taking the lead in contemporary software architectures. This article will examine gRPC's features, benefits, implementation techniq...
By Stevie Carpenter
In the face of climate change, it's now more important than ever to go as green as you can, even for businesses. But of course, that's easier said than done. Unless you know exactly how to set green procurement goals you can achieve. We'll cover all the basics surrounding these goals, starting with what they are and concluding with the best pract...
By Ranadeep Reddy Palle
Software architecture is like the blueprint of a building, guiding how different parts of a software system fit together. Over time, the landscape of software architecture has undergone significant transformations, driven by technological advancements and evolving project requirements. Understanding this journey through the various eras of software...
By Stevie Carpenter
Amid the global climate crisis, every business is responsible for ensuring it's doing whatever possible to limit or mitigate its impact. But how can you prove that you're serious about those commitments and not just 'talking the talk'? ESG sustainability reporting goes a long way in this regard. Here we'll explore all you need to know on the subj...
By Nithhyaa Ramamoorthy
The need for Humans to be connected to other Humans is as basic and essential as the need for Food, Water, and Shelter. Many neurologists and human-computer Interaction experts have studied the evolutionary aspects of the relationship between social connections and the overall well-being of Humans in various historical forms of prehistoric and civi...
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